Wagyu Burger, Bar-Roque Grill, Singapore

Wagyu Burger, Bar-Roque Grill, Singapore

Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⠀

⚖️ A delicious burger that comes with a near-perfect juicy patty topped with tasty sauce and cheese.⠀

Overall: 4.2⠀
Fries: 3.75/5⠀
Patty: 4.75/5⠀
Bun: 4/5⠀
Service: 4/5⠀
Price: 32SGD⠀

🤔 Disagree with our review? Which burger should we eat next? Get in touch @burgerboys.sg

Weights for scoring are: Fries 25% / Patty 35% / Bun 25% / Service 10%⠀

Burger was reviewed on: 20.12.2019